Modular Dairy Parlors - Industrial Strength - Factory Direct from Tech for Ag

HerringBones with Arm TakeOffs
The Ultimate Alternative to Parallels!

* A Tradition - Parlors in the spirit and tradition of Germania
* Values - Customer satisfaction and support, extremely low cost of maintenance
* Outstanding equipment at a great price, sold factory--direct
* Steady improvements – we never quit improving our parlors
Stainless is forever. These are parlors you will pass on to the next generation, and maybe the one after that. We’d like for your grandson to walk into the milking parlor you installed when he was a baby and decide to get rid of it, even though it's still working great, just because he’s been looking at it all his life. 
- Overhead Channels - twice as heavy       as the original Germania, .120 thick           intead of .062

- 4" wider cow platforms than Germaniua to     accommodate 1,800 lbs and 2000 lbs  +       cows

- Stainless lift cylinders for Rapid Exit Brisket    Bars

- All-stainless Gutters, Curbing and Grates

- Every parlor built for easy expansion.            Exit gate   group is removeable                      allowing fast insertion of additional                stalls

- Parlors built from 100% Type 304                 stainless food-grade that lasts forever           and requires no maintenance.
Why Modulars?

HERITAGE Modular Parlors come to you pre-installed, delivered on a couple of trucks and installed on-site in two to seven days, max. 

You wouldn’t buy a Corn Chopper, Combine or Tractor assembled by your local implement dealer. Why then buy a parlor that way? Same $$$ value, same complexity. HERITAGE Parlors are built assembly line fashion, under roof, 10 hours a day, by a dozen skilled fabricators, each with his own specialty – Automatics, Stalls, Crowd Gates, Receiver Groups, etc. Each section is inspected to be sure it meets our standards of excellence.

Modulars - when there’s the need for speed. We’ll change an existing parlor for a new one while you continue to milk. Normally takes us 22 working hours over 36 elapsed hrs, but we have done three complete parlor exchanges in 16, 13 and 9 hrs respectively. That’s from last cow out the old one to first cow into the new one. We prefer 36 hrs, though, rest assured!

Modulars - for late season projects. We just completed a dbl. 16 ProTime I with Afi in late November. Customer made decision in September and had to be milking by Thanksgiving, 8 weeks later, new building and all. He was milking a few days after Thanksgiving. How would you do that with a parlor installed piecemeal?
Germania -Style, Industrial Strength Milking Parlors indeed. 
Except that we build Heritage Parlors almost 50% heavier than the original Germania
Why? Because we buy Germania Parlors, analyze them and then improve on the origional.
New Modular Parlors 

New TakeOffs and Claws 

New Crowd Gates (sorry, no more remanufactured crowd gates)

New Equipment and a new Trade Name - HERITAGE

Milking Parlors for the Decades
 From the people who brought you Germania.
HERITAGE - The next revolution in the dairy industry
CONTACT Tech For Ag for more information about HERITAGE milking parlors
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Technology For Agriculture LLC 
1855-A West Davenport St., Rhinelander, WI 54501 | Rolf's Mobil 715-360-3660 * Fax 715-362-7595 |  
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Dbl.10, expandable to dbl.16, all-stainless ProTime I HerringBone with Model SB Arm TakeOffs installed at DutchMade Holsteins, Mart Vanderstappen, Lake Geneva, WI, August 2008
Dbl. 12 All-stainless ProTime I with Model SB Arm TakeOffs, installed at Argus Acres, Sharon Spring, NY Fall 1996.
Dbl. 10 ProTime I All-stainless HerringBone with Model SB Arm TakeOffs installed at the new Armbruster Family Dairy, Muscoda, WI, August 2010

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